Cleartext Transmission of Sesitive Information: تفاوت بین نسخه‌ها

از Secure Coding

سطر ۱: سطر ۱:
Is this your website? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites.
I was sending you this message on your website contact page ( to show you how contact form advertising works. We can send messages just like these for your business to millions of sites for less than a couple of hundred dollars. Let's get the conversation started and I'll share pricing and more details. Hit me up on Skype for a chat now -->  live:.cid.aebc78a94c13344c

نسخهٔ ‏۸ سپتامبر ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۱۷:۵۵

I was sending you this message on your website contact page ( to show you how contact form advertising works. We can send messages just like these for your business to millions of sites for less than a couple of hundred dollars. Let's get the conversation started and I'll share pricing and more details. Hit me up on Skype for a chat now --> live:.cid.aebc78a94c13344c