بحث:Cleartext Transmission of Sesitive Information
از Secure Coding
نسخهٔ تاریخ ۲۱ مارس ۲۰۲۴، ساعت ۰۹:۵۰ توسط (بحث) (صفحهای تازه حاوی «Hi Team at https://securecoding.ir/index.php?title=Cleartext_Transmission_of_Sesitive_Information&action=edit§ion=1 I got your website...» ایجاد کرد)
I got your website through a Google search. I tried calling your phone number but it was unsuccessful.
I've noticed technical issues with your website, Let me know if you would like me to address those.
You can reply with an active phone number and your available time.
Best, Jason [email protected]